Lunch and Learn: Cast Iron Cooking at Colonel Palmer House on Feb 7

Mon January 13, 2025

It is said that pioneers traveling westward only carried two manufactured products with them: Protection and their cast ironware. Embark on a historic journey with culinary enthusiast, John Fiorina as he reveals his adept cooking skills behind the craft of using cast ironware. Lunch provided; vegan options available.

Register online for program code 231952-01 at or in person at the Crystal Lake Park District Administrative Office, 1 E. Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Location: Colonel Palmer House, 660 E. Terra Cotta Ave, Crystal Lake
Fri, Feb 7, 12-1:30 pm
Ages 13+
$20 res/$26 non-res

The Colonel Palmer House was built c.1858 by settlers Gustavus and Henrietta Palmer. Located on its original site, the home was entered in the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. Currently the home is maintained by the Crystal Lake Park District and is home to the Crystal Lake Historical Society.

For more information or questions, contact Sarah Taylor,