Our Mission

Extended Time is a unique, inclusive service operated by qualified, experienced staff. With a mix of independent and organized activities, we provide the children opportunities to make appropriate choices. Extended Time fosters growth and development of perseverance, curiosity and responsibility.

----IP 11.jpegWe Provide:

  • Independent and Organized Activities
  • Indoor/Outdoor Play
  • Homework Support
  • Team Building Opportunities
  • Physical Activity
  • A Nurturing Environment
  • Nutritional Snacks
  • Assistance with preparing students (changing/practicing) for after school activities and escorting them to their on-site location (scouts, art, sports, tutoring.)

ET staff provide supervised recreational activities allowing time for group games, arts and crafts, movies, field trips, fun with friends and even homework! This program also allows your children to participate in after school art classes or sport practices you might not have been able to transport them to.

Children must be toilet trained. No PULL-UPs allowed. Staff does not manage personal care.


If you have a student registered in our Extended Time program, monthly payments may be paid online. Statements will be emailed the 15th of each month. Instructions can be found below under the 'Extended Time/Billing Info' tab.


Childcare tax statements were emailed January 18, 2024 to households that participate in our Summer Day Camp and Extended Time programs. Please check your spam folder in the event you have not received your statement

extended time sites

Woods Creek Elementary, Canterbury/Coventry Elementary, West/South Elementary, Indian Prairie Elementary, Husmann Elementary, North Elementary, Glacier Ridge Elementary

extended time Time Slots

3:30 PM-6:15 PM

2025-2026 school year registration

Registration opens for NEW ET families on Th, May 15, 2025. Current ET families will receive registration info from their Site Supervisor regarding 2025-2026 registration dates.

Online registration for the 2025-2026 school year will end on August 8 at 5 pm. If registering in-person after August 8, you will not be able to attend ET until the week of August 19.

2025-2026 Extended Time Rates & Info

A $50 non-refundable registration fee and first month's tuition is due at the time of registration.

Registration can change daily so it is important to call our office for current program availability. Sandra Thompson 815.459.0680 ext. 1220, sthompson@crystallakeparks.org.

Administrative Building

1 E. Crystal Lake Avenue, Crystal Lake

Regular Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday, 8:30 am -5 pm

Saturday, 9:30 am-Noon (April-July)

Drive Up Window Drop Off Services

Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-Noon

parent handbook

Parent Communication

Visit the Virtual Backpack section of this web page to view a welcome letter, monthly site newsletters and a list of Extended Time holidays.

  • Extended Time 2024-2025 registration information and Fees

    2024-2025 Pre-Registration opens May 13, 2024

    AM SESSION: 6:15 AM-9 AM
    PM SESSION: 3:30 PM-6:15 PM

    Code 520981 plus section code for timeframe selection (waitlist)

    Code 520982 plus section code for timeframe selection

    Code 520983 plus section code for timeframe selection

    Indian Prairie
    Code 520984 plus section code for timeframe selection

    Code 520985 plus section code for timeframe selection

    Code 520986 plus section code for timeframe selection (waitlist)

    Glacier Ridge
    Code 520987 plus section code for timeframe selection

    Junior Leaders
    Code 520988-01

    2024-2025 School year ET FEES

    Section Code

    # Days/Time Slot

    Monthly Fee

    -01 3 mornings/6:15 -9 am
    $160 additional child
    -02 5 mornings/ 6:15 -9 am $300
    $240 additional child
    -03 3 afternoons/3:30-6:15 pm
    $189.60 additional child
    -04 5 afternoons/3:30-6:15 pm $345
    $276 additional child
    -05 3 mornings & 3 afternoons 6:15-9am +3:30-6:15 pm $362
    $289.60 additional child
    -06 5 mornings & 5 afternoons 6:15-9 am + 3:30-6:15 pm $560
    $448 additional child
    -07 3 mornings & 5 afternoons 6:15-9 am + 3:30-6:15 pm $520
    $416 additional child
    -08 5 mornings & 3 afternoons 6:15-9 am + 3:30-6:15 pm $512
    $409.60 additional child

    Punch Pass (limited number available per school) $445

    Fee Notes

    • A $50 non-refundable registration fee will be charged at time of initial registration
    • There are no payments for August and June. These weeks are averaged into 9 equal payments throughout the school year.
    • Siblings receive a 20% discount.
    • First month's tuition is refundable if cancellation is made prior to the start of the school year.
    • Reduced rates are available to Park District residents in need.
    • If your school is at capacity, we will place your child on a waiting list. Please contact Sam Thompson, 815.459.0680, ext. 1220 for more information.
    • Parents who select the 3 day option can change the choice of days of the week as needed, based on their weekly schedule.

    Late Fee reminder

    ET closes promptly at 6:15 pm. $10 for first five minutes, $1 per minute thereafter.
  • Billing Information

    • Bills are sent electronically to the email address on file. ET bills are sent via email from vsimail@crystallakeparks.org. Bills go out approximately around the 15th of the month. If you do not receive a bill, please check your junk box.
    • Fees are paid monthly by the 1st of the month. Fees paid later than the 10th of the month will incur a late fee of $25 per child and your child is no longer eligible to attend. ET attendance may resume upon FULL payment of your child's bill.
    • Payments for Extended Time can be mailed to or dropped off at the Administrative Office, 1 E.Crystal Lake Avenue. Down below are directions on how to set up automatic monthly payments or paying online. If you have any questions regarding billing please contact Nicole Zeller at 815.459.0680, ext. 1233, or email: nzeller@crystallakeparks.org.


    • You must sign up online for the auto debit feature for ET fees EVERY year. The system links the auto debit feature to an activity code for a specific school year.
    • You can pay your bill online.
    • You can change your user name, password, and even update your email online.
    • You will be locked out of the online system if 3 attempts are made unsuccessfully. You will then need to call our customer service staff during business hours to request the password be changed and your account unlocked.
    • All request for changes to the ET program MUST be submitted in writing to our billing bookkeeper. You may send the request via e-mail to nzeller@crystallakeparks.org
    • Our punch pass is a daily punch pass which can be used for mornings, afternoons, both and institute days. The punch pass consists of 10 daily punches before you need to renew. Please bring your child to the Administrative Office so we can take their photo and attach to the fob. Fobs will be scanned at the ET location and you can check usage online.


    1. Log into crystallakeparks.org. Click on the 'Register/Login' button to access the login screen. You will need a username and password. If you have trouble creating an account, please call 815.459.0680 (blue oval button).
    2. Enter your username and password. Select the grey 'Login' button.
    3. Pay any outstanding Extended Time or Preschool tuition. The system does NOT charge any outstanding balances that are on the account prior to completing the auto debit process. Select the 'Pay Old Balances' grey tab. Place a check mark in the box of the participant/program you want to process a payment. 'Add to Cart'. Continue to check out. STOP HERE, if you don't want to attach the credit card you're using to pay, to your household account!
    4. Once balance is paid, open the 'My Account' tab by selecting the down arrow button.
    5. Select 'Installment Billing' under the 'Update' heading.
    7. Click on 'Update Credit Card'. Enter credit card information
    8. The box labeled 'Next Bill Date' will be the next time the credit card on file will be charged.

    Please note: THE CREDIT CARD ON FILE WILL BE CHARGED THE DAY BILLS ARE PROCESSED. This is approximately the 15th of the month prior to the billing due date.


    Pay Your Bill Online

    (Use this procedure ONLY for making a payment on your bill)

    1. Log into crystallakeparks.org. You will need a username and password. For help setting up an account, contact 815.459.0680.
    2. Click on 'Register/Login' to log into your account.
    3. You will be directed to a screen prompt to enter your username and password. Select the grey 'Login' button.
    4. Select the 'Pay Old Balance' grey tab. Place a check mark in the box of the participant/program you want to process a payment. 'Add to Cart'. Continue to check out.
    5. Return to the 'Home' screen.
    6. Logout.

    Please note: The credit card on file will be charged the day the bills are processed. This is approximately the 15th of the month prior to the billing due date.


    For any questions, please contact Nicole Zeller at 815.459.0680, ext. 1233 or email to nzeller@crystallakeparks.org.

  • Extended Time Punch Pass

    Are you a parent with a changing schedule? We offer a 10-day Punch Pass at each school site. The passes can be used for regular school days, half days or Institute Days. Once registered you need to call 815.459-0680 x1215 or x1220 one day before your child will attend.

    Upon registration you will receive a key chain fob to scan at school ET site. Fobs need to be picked up at the Crystal Lake Park District Administration Office, 1 E Crystal Lake Avenue, Crystal Lake. Passes are non-refundable and non-transferable and expire at the end of the school year. Passes are sold on a first come, first served basis. Ten (10) passes are available at each school. You will be notified upon completion of their Punch Pass. They may then register for a new one.

    Program Fee: $445

    The ET program runs through the D47 school year. ET will be closed on national holidays. A list of those dates will be provided at the start of the school year.

  • ----SOUTH WEST 9.jpgParent Handbook

    Please review the current school year Extended Time Parent Handbook. If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Thompson, (815) 459-0680, ext. 1220.

    Extended Time Closure Dates

    Extended Time will NOT be in session on the following dates:
    Labor Day: Mon, Sep 2, 2024
    Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day: Mon, Oct 14, 2024
    Election Day: Tue, Nov 5, 2024
    Thanksgiving: Th & Fri, Nov 28-29, 2024
    Holiday Break: Tue & Wed Dec 24-25, 2024
    New Year's Eve: Tue Dec 31, 2024
    New Year's Day: Wed, Jan 1, 2025
    President's Day: Mon, Feb 17, 2025
    Memorial Day: Mon, May 26, 2025

    Snow Days

    When school closes, ET is unable to operate, listen to Star 105.5 radio station for school closings.

    Late Fee reminder

    ET closes promptly at 6:15 pm. $10 for first five minutes, $1 per minute thereafter.


    Once registered for Extended Time, you will receive an email invitation to fill out emergency forms online through ePact. This needs to be done before your child may attend Extended Time. This system will give our ET supervisors and directors instant access to required emergency forms. The security, confidentiality and privacy of your child's personal information will always be protected. Complete info about ePact can be found via the button below.


    School Site


    Site Contact Info


    Jan 2025

    Glacier Ridge Jan 2025 ccollis@crystallakeparks.org
    Husmann Jan 2025 swillis@crystallakeparks.org
    Indian Prairie Jan 2025 mrogers@crystallakeparks.org
    North Jan 2025 kbatton@crystallakeparks.org
    South/West Jan 2025 kboulos@crystallakeparks.org
    Woods Creek Jan 2025 gsmak@crystallakeparks.org
  • friendly reminders for pick-up and drop-off

    • ET opens at 6:15 AM. No early birds please. Our staff uses this time to set-up for the morning.
    • Closing time is promptly at 6:15 PM. If you are picking up your child close to closing time, please be aware our staff needs to leave their site promptly at 6:15 PM.
    • There will be a late charge when a child is picked up after closing time in the amount of $10 up to 6:20 pm and $1 per minute thereafter, charged on your next bill. After 6:30 PM, if we have had no contact from a parent, a responsible party from your emergency form, then police will be called and your child taken into protective custody until a parent or guardian can be located. In case you are late and no one is at the ET site, first contact the people on your emergency form to verify whether or not any of them have your child, secondly call the police if you cannot located your child. Please note: consistent lateness will result in being dropped from the program.
    • If someone other than the person(s) listed on the Emergency Form will be picking up your child, or your child will be absent, please call your ET Site.
    • If we will be dispensing medication, you will need to have a Crystal Lake Park District medication form filled out by your physician.